

Surprise #2

This is the week of getting updates!! Hope Station was at Jay's orphanage a few days ago and then all the kids dragged them into the courtyard for a surprise - The orphanage staff was throwing a birthday party for Jay!! He wore a crown, had a cake, blew out a candle, and had a special celebration just for him!! I'm so happy he's in a caring place where he is made to feel special.



I was browsing facebook this Sunday and saw Hope Station's new Orphan Sunday video. I was brought to tears when I saw that Jay (aka Josiah) was highlighted in their video this week. Such amazing work they do!  

Happy Birthday!!

 Last weekend, Hope Station hosted a Birthday Bash for all the kids at Jays orphanage! Most of the kids don't know when their birthday is and none of them have ever experienced a birthday party, so this was a special celebration for everyone! They had balloons, parachute games, a piƱata, candy, and every child received a gift specially selected just for them. I think Jay loves his bowling set!! Happy Birthday to my little guy, I can't wait to spend many more birthdays celebrating with you!