

100 Good Wishes Quilt

When we were waiting on Audrey's adoption, I had all this free time and heard about a tradition in China. To celebrate a new life, families would make a Bai Jia Bei (100 Good Wishes Quilt). When a woman is pregnant, her friends and family each contribute a single patch of cloth with a good wish for the baby. 100 pieces of fabric are collected and are used to make a quilt. At the delivery, the mother and father greet their newborn baby by wrapping the baby in the quilt which is believed to be filled with the good wishes of all their friends and family. I made Audrey a 100 Good Wishes Quilt and she still loves it today.

With Sam's adoption, one of my friends from China told me she'd never heard of this tradition (ha!) but I thought, I loved the idea anyway so I decided to make Sam a quilt too. I collected fabric again and started making him a quilt but was entirely overwhelmed with two kids and hired a woman to finish the 1/2 made quilt for Sam. 

Today Audrey mentioned that I better get started on Jay's quilt.. So I played around with the idea of just buying an entire quilt and calling it a day. But, I gotta at least try! So, I'm calling on all my friends to help me out with two things... 1. Does anyone know someone who I can hire to sew the quilt for me? AND, 2. I'd love to find 100 people interested in contributing to the quilt...

If you are interested in helping out, here’s what I need:
1. Choose any fabric you like – it can be from a fabric store or can be something that you have at home
2. Cut one 8-inch x 8-inch square of the fabric - This will become one of the squares in Jay's quilt!
3. Then, cut a separate little square of the same fabric
3. Write a wish to Jay on a piece of paper or an index card and glue your little square of the same fabric to the card. We will put these cards in a scrapbook so that when Jay is older he can match up the fabrics and see who gave him each piece of fabric in his quilt and what they wished for him.
4. Then either drop the fabric and card off to us or mail it to us at: 7807 Asbury Hills Drive, Cincinnati OH 45255

I always thought the scrap book would be amazing to pull out when my kids go through the "why wasn't I wanted" stage and I could show them the 100 people who WANTED them and all the wishes they had for them. This conversation has never happened - Audrey and Sam have no question about how much they are wanted and loved from our friends and family. I know you'll all welcome Jay into your lives too - But lord knows this kid will need a quilt too, so any help would be amazing!! 
Thank you!!!