

Monday & Tuesday: US Consulate

June Bug's blood work came back negative so he's all good for his appointment at the US Consulate to get his visa and head home!

The other really good news is that the backpack I got from another family here works great! Jay agrees to ride in it and I can travel around with him on my back instead of him running wild everywhere. My parents flew in last night - I never could've done this without them here - It's been hard on everyone so it's been really nice for Audrey and Sam to get to go with Grandma and Grandpa and have a little break. We all walked around the super humid city and then spent some time in the pool. He absolutely loves swimming. He stands on the side and counts "Ee, Er, Sun, one, two, three!" and then jumps in! I'll try to upload a video...

There are three other families in Guangzhou right now from our agency, and we took a group picture today with our guide, Elvin (sitting next to Sam). Everyone is so put together and seems to have this thing under control. Then, I show up late, pulling multiple kids, obviously not having showered recently, Ha! I'm just proud that I've gotten this far in China. Really can't do much more than survive at this point!

Yesterday evening, we went on a cruise down the Pearl River. Jay loved the boat. I just wonder what he's thinking - everything we do is a whole new experience. One of his favorite parts of the cruise was arm wrestling with our guide, Elvin!

Then today, Tuesday, we woke up early for our appointment at the US Consulate. This is the appointment where I swear that everything in the process was accurate and take a oath and then we apply for the visa to bring Jay to the US. We get the actual visa tomorrow and that is the last thing we need and we fly home! As soon as Jay lands in the US, he becomes a citizen! Here we are in front of the Consulate making Jay a soon-to-be American citizen!

The Consulate appointment was much easier than I remember in past years, but there is a wine vending machine in the building right next store... Just in case...

We tried an authentic noodle shop for lunch which was delicious! It was family style food and we ordered three huge plates of different noodles, two big baskets of onion breads, lots of drinks (it's 95 degrees and with humidity feels like 118!!). It was so so good! And cost a whopping $8.00.

We got a message from Rebekah from Hope Station. She was visiting Jay's orphanage today and one of his nannies was asking how he was doing and really missing him. Rebekah showed her pictures and videos of him with his family. Rebekah said that she watched the videos and pictures and sobbed. She misses him so much. She video taped a message to Jay and in it she asked that he call her and said he knows her number. I showed him the video and he listened to her intently and then said - Ah! And went to the phone and dialed a number about 5 times. It was the same number each time, but the number said it was disconnected. Seeing a video of a nanny sobbing who had taken care of Jay for years and obviously really loved him was heart wrenching. This whole experience is so wonderful and so horrible at the exact same time. But for now, I'll focus on the wonderful as these two brothers snuggle up before bed...

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